
MD5 Hash: 1424ebae0da10f736492503853dcaf9c
SHA256 Hash: 8497982c81e38957a37dc83f9aa87d80588718b576cca157ca9c39f6cf7a8df1
File size: 170680 bytes (167 KB.)
Last analysis: 17 Jul, 2018 16:48:12

Analysis MD5: 1424ebae0da10f736492503853dcaf9c

Analysis of the file classifies it as a class A (Safe). The file is safe to use. The trust index of this analysis is 52 % (moderate).We would like to receive a copy of this file for further analysis..



klwtblfs.exe is a Kaspersky Anti-Virus. It is part of the application Kaspersky Internet Security, developed by Kaspersky Lab. This program protect your system against viruses, Trojan horses and other threats

Filename: klwtblfs.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus)
Threat analysis: Safe
Analysis trust:
Recent activity:
First seen: 04 Jan, 2011
Last seen: 04 Jan, 2011
Last analysis: 17 Jul, 2018
Possible infection: Clean

klwtblfs.exe Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Application: Kaspersky Internet Security
Developer: Kaspersky Lab
File version:
File size: 170680 bytes (167 KB.)
Recent activity:
Historic activity:
MD5 hash: 1424ebae0da10f736492503853dcaf9c
SHA1 hash: 9039d915b7b456349b59bb510706203a12e6dcf3
SHA256 hash: 8497982c81e38957a37dc83f9aa87d80588718b576cca157ca9c39f6cf7a8df1

File entropy

File entropy match: File code

This file contains (executable) code.

File signature

Executable file

An executable file causes a computer "to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions," as opposed to a data file that must be parsed by a program to be meaningful.

The determination of a file type is done with a signature or magic-numbers. Files are identified using by comparing the first set of bytes in the file header. Using this method type of files are recognised no matter the extension used. This information is useful to for example recognise executable files cloaked as images or movies.


Online virus scanners

Detection ration:

0 %


Not available on virusshare.com

VirusShare.com is a repository of malware samples to provide security researchers, incident responders, forensic analysts, and the morbidly curious access to samples of live malicious code. Presence of the sample on this site indicates that the file is (Once considered) being malicious.
Website: virusshare.com

National Software Reference Library

Not on the nsrl list

The NSRL contains a collection of digital signatures of known, traceable software applications. There are application hash values in the hash set which may be considered malicious, i.e. steganography tools and hacking scripts.
Website: www.nsrl.nist.gov


Statistic analysis

Statistic analysis of the file

Deviates from other files with the same name (imitation)
The certificate can not be determined
This is not a common file
Normal code

Neural network analysis

Analysis: Safe

A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence. It recognized patterns nog clear for a human viewer. Our neural network is surprisingly accurate in recognizing dangerous files. The value below is the predicted chance the file is malicious.

5%5 %


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